Saturday, January 29, 2011

Kicking Ass

Those words describe our January:

For the last three weeks we have been pounding our favorite drink, Kick Ass Immune Activator, by Wish Garden Herbs (although I am not receiving compensation for this advertisement, I should because this stuff rocks!)  Luckily it is on major sale at Vitamin Cottage, so I just stocked up on more.  Naomi got her first cold of the season three weeks ago and ever since then has been fighting something.  It seems like everyone around us is super sick and so far we have been spared from the dreaded winter cold/flu season with only a few sniffles here and there.

Ben has also been kicking _ _ _, during busy season at EKSH.  Luckily we enjoyed a few sane weeks after he completed his CPA exam, before busy season started. It was so nice to have a "normal family" who actually gets to see each other every night and hang out on weekends.  Although I sound slightly bitter, I am actually very thankful Ben is able to provide so well for our family during this rough economic time.  I know this is just a season that will pass.

Ben and I have been trying to kick _ _ _ at parenting, but realized we needed a few more tools in our bag.  Somehow in the last year Naomi went from being our sweet little baby, to our sweet strong-willed toddler.  While we both agreed we want our children to be well behaved, we also agreed that we didn't want to spend our days constantly spanking her.  Let me say this first, we have nothing against spanking and believe it can be very effective is certain situations, but not for every misbehavior.  We want Naomi to grow up learning how to think logically about the choices she makes and the consequences that follow.  We also believe that theologically speaking, this is how our loving God interacts with us most times as well.

Because it is almost impossible to sit down on a regular basis and discuss parenting philosophies and techniques, I talked Ben into taking a Love and Logic Class with me for 5 weeks!  I thought it would be like pulling teeth to get Ben there every week, but guess what he told me last week at class?  He said to me, "Cori, we should take this class every year just to freshen up on our skills."  I have also been blabbing to my other mama friends about how great this class is.  Anyways, I know it is not for all, but we have really enjoyed learning about Love and Logic and have had fun implementing some of the strategies with Naomi.  Anyways, if you are a parent, I highly recommend taking a parenting class.  It is a great investment you won't regret making. 

Here is a Love and Logic moment waiting to happen

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