Friday, November 5, 2010

Goodbye House, Hello Basement

After much debate and debacle, we sold our first house this Fall and moved into my In-laws basement. It took Ben over a year of convincing me that living with my In-laws could be a good thing. Not only does it free us financially to pursue other things, it allows us the much needed time and energy to think about where God wants us going in the future. Ben and I graduated from college, got married, started working “real” jobs, bought a house and had our first baby all in the first couple years of marriage! We never took the time much needed time to figure out what our vision was for our family.

We have been living here for almost two months and so far it has been great! Other than missing my old neighborhood and walking paths, we are far from suffering. In fact, we have more space in this basement than our entire our house! Also, most of our “stuff” is packed away and without all that “stuff” to maintain, I have much more time to slow down and get back to the basics in my faith and family. Speaking of “stuff”…if we have so much “stuff” that we are able to pack it away and not miss it for 2 months, don’t you think we have too much “stuff”? (That is a whole other topic for discussion though).

Anyways, life is good as a basement dweller, for the time being. And, NO, we are not planning on staying here long term. Just long enough to not wear out our welcome and give us time to think about what’s next.